RAIS-ing the bar of Tax Digitization 

RAIS is your partner in your Tax Digitization Journey and in creating a more efficient, transparent and accurate tax system that benefits both taxpayers and government authorities. RAIS is a digital solution that brings the latest cutting edge technology to help you raise revenue without increasing taxes.

Here’s how RAIS is raising the bar in your Tax Digitization Journey…

Levelling-up User Experience

RAIS is a user-friendly platform that provides convenience, accuracy and accessibility in filing and paying taxes. With its simplified procedures, it reduces the compliance burden on taxpayers which makes it seamless for your tax team to provide high quality service to your constituents at scale. 

Our services could include prefilled tax returns, taxpayers’ access to their own filing information, and real-time notifications to remind them of any upcoming and pending filings. Taxpayers receive notifications through the software’s secure and encrypted direct messaging system so you can save money and the hassle of not mailing out notices. Reducing the cost and making it as easy as possible for your constituents to maintain compliance. 

Smarter Government with Effective Data-driven Decision Making 

RAIS makes real time data available on demand and integrated into the application workflows. With our integrated analytics, your teams have the access they need to do their jobs without having to go find it. We push analytics into the process so that as they are performing their duties, they have the information to make the best decisions. Additionally, data is easily accessible throughout the system with simple dashboarding tools and secure export for reporting purposes. 

Work-Up Transparency and Accountability 

RAIS keeps an audit log of transactions to ensure accountability. This log shows when and who made changes to each data record, be it a filing or taxpayer information. We help build an internal control system that contains alerts when unusual behavior by an individual is detected.

Role-based permissions are implemented to limit access according to one’s role.

Secured Collaboration and Data Sharing  

RAIS aims to foster the collaboration between Tax Authorities and Taxpayers to share data and enhance overall tax compliance efforts.

All these collaborations are done without sacrificing security. RAIS is equipped with robust cybersecurity measures. It was built to be fully compliant with the US IRS 1075 regs, some of the strictest tax security requirements globally, to ensure that sensitive information shared by taxpayers is guarded.

Tailored for your Specific needs 

Do you have unique requirements? Not to worry! Our team is ready to add more modules and features to meet your unique needs. We also empower our clients to unlock new revenue options with multiple modules including:
  • Property Manager
  • Module
  • Property Taxes
  • Cannabis
  • Import Duties

Ready to bring AI into your revenue management efforts? 

We offer some of the most cutting-edge solutions in revenue management. Let’s discuss your goals for your tax office, and how we can deploy AI and the latest revenue management solutions to help you “Raise Revenue without Increasing Taxes.” 

Amor Sevilla

Finance and Tax CPA@ Governful

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